Tours › 2007/2008 › Vålådalen › Summary


So this time it worked, even though it was a close one – the late reinforcement of snow was very much needed. The weather also allowed me to complete the round trip of the Vålådalen basin, which was much appreciated. Speaking of said weather, it occurred to me that not once during the entire tour I saw the sun, but as I have tried to show there were numerous instances of the special indirect light which in conjunction with the snow can create an almost surreal effect. It was also nice experiencing the return of true winter and the storm in Lunndörren was more "fun" than it was anything else.

As for the Eve itself, I was proven right about Stensdalen – there had been 44 guests there, plus nine dogs and two dogsleds, and the two guest cottages have 32 beds between them! I dare say that the four of us at Vålåvalen had a much more tranquil time, which at least I find preferable in this context. Other than that there were quite a few people out and about, and a not insignificant portion of these were in some way or another affiliated with STF. I found out that no less than three of my coconspirators from the warden course had been in Lunndörren, and at one time when I myself was sitting in its sauna on day 4 everyone in the chamber with me was a warden too.

And while on the subject of wardenship, I note that the next big thing for me is a season-long assignment in the Nallo cottage north of Kebnekaise. This was also one of the reasons why I wanted to make this tour in my backyard, as it were, an extended one, namely that I will be spending the rest of the tourist season far away, so there will be no more chances to go for a tour in the fjelds of Jamtland before summer. One guess if I'm looking forward to Nallo, though...



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