Name index

This is an index of place names mentioned in the various reports in the Tours section. The index is automatically generated and is not guaranteed to be exhaustive (despite containing a number of duplicates and false positives), but it should provide ample shortcuts to further information about a large number of peaks, lakes, valleys, facilities and the like in and outside the fjelds.

Report links are grouped by year and tour, in ascending chronological order. Where indexed names match the name of a facility or map point registered on this site – either the primary name or an alternative one that is also recognized – navigation buttons are added to name titles. Sometimes facility names and names of natural features coincide, so those navigation buttons may appear in unexpected places in some cases, due to the automatic processing. Do note that the All names subpage is heavy to load since, as the name suggests, it presents all indexed names at once.

See the Overview section for more information about Sámi names as such.

Vålådalen basin
Vålådalen basin in Jämtland county