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Picture of Vistas

STF cottage site

Region:Northern Lapland
On trail:Nikkaluokta–Alesjaure
Coordinates:68°01'55"N, 18°35'48"E
Altitude:590 m
Fjeld map:BD6
Accommodation:30 beds

Two cottages by Visttasjohka at the intersection of Visttasvággi and Stuor Reaiddávággi, inside the latter of which the characteristic spire of Nállu serves as an eye-catcher. Extensive campgrounds can be found just across the adjacent bridge. As of winter 2016 there is also a sauna here, but the shop that has previously been here was retired during the winter of 2021.

Approximate distances
Nallo9 km
Lisa's cabin11 km
Alesjaure18 km
Tarfala research station19 km
Tarfala20 km
Nikkaluokta33 km
Kaisepakte49.5 km
Vassakåtan6 km
Kaskavagge12 km
Mårma14 km
Pieggaluoppal33 km
Rautasjaure39 km
Northern Kungsleden 2005Day 4
Northern Kungsleden 2006Day 7: II
Kebnekaise 2007 Tour 4: AlesjaureDay 3
Nallo 20085/3–9/3
Nallo 2008: Day Tours (March)10/3
Nallo 2008: Day Tours (April)19/4
Vistas 2010All
Vistas 2014All
STF website