Facilities › All facilities › Alesjaure


Picture of Alesjaure

STF cottage site

Region:Northern Lapland
On trail:Kungsleden/Nordkalottleden
Coordinates:68°08'12"N, 18°24'46"E
Altitude:780 m
Fjeld map:BD6
Accommodation:78 beds
Service:Provisions2, sauna, conference room

Situated at the outflow of Aliseatnu into Alisjávri, this is STF's largest cottage site, complete with sauna, a well-stocked mini shop and even a conference room – there's only electricity missing. Just a few kilometers away, by the southeastern shore of the lake, there is an active Sámi encampment, the inhabitants of which offer boat transfer along Alisjávri.

Approximate distances
Tjäktja13 km
Unna Allakas14 km
Vistas18 km
Abiskojaure21 km
Kaisepakte51 km
Rádunjárga8 km
Pieggaluoppal19 km
Mårma30.5 km
Rautasjaure34.5 km
Northern Kungsleden 2005Day 3
Northern Kungsleden 2006Day 8
Kebnekaise 2007 Tour 4: AlesjaureDay 2
Vistas 201026/4–3/5
Tjäktja 201311/2–14/2
Tjäktja 20138/3–10/3
STF website