Facilities › All facilities › Abiskojaure


Picture of Abiskojaure

STF cottage site

Region:Northern Lapland
On trail:Kungsleden/Nordkalottleden
Coordinates:68°17'08"N, 18°35'21"E
Altitude:490 m
Fjeld map:BD6
Accommodation:57 beds
Service:Provisions2, sauna

Two cottages at the outflow of Gamaeatnu into Ábeskojávri – the largest one is actually an old barrack used in the construction of the Kiruna-Narvik railroad. This is the first cottage site one encounters after starting on Kungsleden from the north, and due to this and the easily trodden trail from Abisko the beds tend to fill up fast at the height of the tourist seasons.

Approximate distances
Kårsavagge8 km
Abisko14 km
Alesjaure21 km
Unna Allakas22.5 km
Kaisepakte47 km
Årosjokk67.5 km
Rádunjárga13 km
Pieggaluoppal14.5 km
Rautasjaure29.5 km
Mårma33.5 km
Northern Kungsleden 2006Day 9
Mårma 2008Day 6
Vistas 201026/4–3/5
Unna Allakas 2010Day 1
Tjäktja 201311/2–14/2
Tjäktja 20138/3–10/3
Kårsavagge 2020: Day Tours6/7
STF website