Tours › 2018 › Vaimok › Intro


It had been quite some time since my last warden assignment in Vistas, for various – chiefly but not exclusively practical – reasons, so when 2018's application period came around I felt that another stint was due. Looking over the available slots and comparing with my own sentiments I came to the conclusion that either Pieskehaure or Vaimok in the middle or end of summer would be the best fit, and when I was subsequently offered the middle period in Vaimok I decided to go for it.

Now, I knew full well that Vaimok sits right at the bottom of STF's visitor stats, and that the whole area southwest of Padjelanta National Park is much less frequented than other nearby parts, such as those traversed by Padjelantaleden itself, so I was quite prepared for a fair degree of isolation. Still, when I passed by Vaimok last time – no less than 12 years ago now – I did obtain a fondness for both the cottage site as such and its surroundings, in no small part due to the looming presence of the Sulidälbmá massif within viewing distance, so I looked forward to it all – and to return to the role of warden in general.

During my absence, as it were, there had been a number of changes to said role, and because of this I was quite glad to see that one of them was mandatory meet-ups not only for the opening wardens, but for everyone as a lead-in to their respective assignments – and in order to manage this the period shifts had been aligned. Since Vaimok belongs to STF's Laponia division this meant that I was expected to spend a couple of days in Saltoluokta before heading out, which suited me very well; I never turn that place down.

As the news-savvy will know, this summer turned out to be one of heat-related extremes and rampant wildfires in Sweden, but as the moment of my departure drew nearer so did the apparent end of the worst of the drought, at least as far as forecasts for the northern fjelds were concerned. But what would happen next – would the warm and dry air prevail, or would it be replaced by extreme rains instead as if to compensate? I was about to find out.

Here, then, follows an abridged account of the events during the three weeks and change I spent in and around Vaimok, illustrated by the usual range of pictures. Day tours have been placed in their own reports, which are linked to from the relevant pages.



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