Tours › 2007 › Kebnekaise Tour 4: Alesjaure › Summary


The longest tour of the winter, this was also in many ways the best one. While it would certainly have been nice having clear weather during the passing of the pass on day 1, the conditions in play were "interesting" in their own way; Petter and I both agreed that beating the mountains on their own terms, as it were, is a special feeling. Besides, the descent from Guobirvággi to Čeakčavággi, with the marvelous sights it offered, was certainly something not to be missed.

Regarding my solo stages, I was pleased to cover the final "missing" piece of northern Kungsleden at last, namely the one going through Alisvággi between Tjäktja and Alesjaure. And on the subject of Alesjaure, it felt good being able to actually go all the way there, taking Sören up on his invitation. Then followed the real treat of the tour: upper Visttasvággi. That is truly a marvelous place when it is free of cloud, and this visit was even better than my last one.

Another difference from that tour is that this time around Stuor Reaiddávággi was all in the clear as well; the view from the Vistas cottages is definitely not one to be frowned upon either, and now I have been fortunate enough to experience it in its full glory in winter too. Finally, taking on the long stage down to Nikkaluokta was gratifying, in that it went so well – while the prevalence of ice was a bit daunting at first glance, it did allow for covering great distances at speed (albeit at the cost of tired arms by the end of it).

I must also comment upon the changing snow conditions. Around Kebnekaise we had been having shortage of the white stuff, and only recently been reimbursed to some extent, so seeing Čeakčavággi and its surroundings in full winter dressing was rewarding indeed. On the flip side, all but the northernmost parts of Visttasvággi also suffered from a severe lack of snow, and it was evident that in another week or so it would no longer be possible to utilize Visttasjohka to travel between the cottages and Nikkaluokta, so I was glad having been able to carry out that part of my plan while I still could.

Succinctly put, a most worthy end to a terrific series of tours!

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