As the subheading says, this was a tour of contrasts. All seasons were represented, with everything that brings with it in terms of terrain situation, weather conditions, sights, etc. Although I was most aware of the risk of snow and cold at the latitudes and altitudes concerned, I was somewhat surprised to see that there was already such a "deep" cover in higher places – and also some not as high. Well, lesson learnt.
So, to return to the list:
- Walk through the southeastern part of Visttasvággi
- Walk through Unna Reaiddávággi
- Revisit the Nallo cottage
- Walk through Gaskkasvággi
- Mount the South Peak of Giebmegáisi in clear weather
Check. I expected this to be a great eruption of color, what with the vast expanses of vegetation. And indeed it was; I was fully satisfied with how it turned out. It was also nice to approach the more dramatic mountain formations in the vicinity of the Vistas cottages from the other direction this time. No mosquitos either, which didn't hurt (literally) – the valley is otherwise a veritable insect farm.
Check. The walk was tiring and snowy, but the views made up for it. I also got to see the Unna Räita cabin, which I may well end up living in sometime.
Check. I kept my word at the last possible moment, and got a few new acquaintances for it. We only half jokingly made a pact to all get together there again come winter.
No go. For reasons specified, this was postponed. I will do it sometime, though – count on that!
No go. Since the human mind has yet to achieve extrasensory control of the climate, this was out of my hands. As I have already stood on the summit wrapped in clouds, doing so again, in even worse weather, held no particular interest – especially not considering the much tougher conditions in getting there./
So, three out of five isn't that bad. It did feel a bit sad to cut the journey short, but this time of year, you do what the weather tells you to. And the fjelds aren't exactly going anywhere in the next millennia, so I will have ample chances to do all kinds of things which as of yet remain undone. For starters, there's the coming winter...