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Picture of Dalavardo

County administration cabin

On trail:Ammarnäs–Vindelkroken
Coordinates:66°11'20"N, 15°38'59"E
Altitude:640 m
Fjeld map:AC2/BD15/BD16
Accommodation:4 beds + mattress attic
Service:Assistance phone

One cottage east of Vindelälven opposite Dálávárdduo. The main building is in pristine condition and has two stories: the locked compartment on the ground floor holds a large common room/kitchen and four beds, and on the open attic there are mattresses and a heater.

To rent a key, visit one of the keepers listed under "Vindelvaggileden" here.

Approximate distances
Mankefors10 km
Vindelkroken12 km
Skidbäcken15 km
Odenkåtan6.5 km
Vindelfjällen 2006Day 3
Naturkartan website